National Drive Electric Month

National Drive Electric Month
Winnipeg, MB
Sep 08, 2018

Day: Saturday, September 8, 2018
NOTE: this event has already happened, find current-year events on the Attend page.
Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Legislative Grounds
450 Broadway
Winnipeg, MB
Contact the organizers for this event, which took place in 2018.

Event Report

This was a tough day for our event, raining the first 3 hours.
Plenty of people still attended, but down significantly from last year.
We had a Tesla Model 3 from a member. Definite one of the stars of our show this year.
Other interesting exhibitions included a Model X, several Model Ss, many LEAFs, a bus, a Citicar and a 20 ft pontoon boat.
We shared the venue with Rise for Climate Action Winnipeg. Likely why attendance was still fairly good. Ross Redman gave a simple speech: I have driven an EV for 7 years. It creates zero pollution ANYWHERE, not even at the hydro dam. Each year it creates less CO2 then one litre of gasoline. There are options. You don't have to give your money to oil companies and pipeline companies. Drive an EV.
The Environment Critic for Manitoba attended (an opposition member in the Manitoba Legislature, who supports electrification of all transportation).

Event Description


The Manitoba Electric Vehicle Association (MEVA) will be hosting MEVAfest again in 2018.

A wide variety of vehicles will be on display: cars, trucks, scooters, a bus and a boat. Some are new, some are old, some are factory made, and some are conversions.

Talk to owners. Go for a ride.

Free admission, everyone is welcome.

Registered Attendees

There are currently 8 attendees registered.

Owners of These Vehicles Have Registered To Attend

Vehicle Registered
Chevrolet Volt 1
Mitsubishi i-MiEV 1
Nissan LEAF 1
3 Models 3

Registered attendees report 95,000 electric miles driven.

Presented By

Plugin America logo
Electric Vehicle Association logo
Sierra Club logo
EVHybridNoire logo
Drive Electric USA logo

Platinum Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

All NDEM 2025 sponsors support Plug In America's coordination of National Drive Electric Month.

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