National Drive Electric Month

National Drive Electric Month
Washington, DC
Sep 21, 2014

Day: Sunday, September 21, 2014
NOTE: this event has already happened, find current-year events on the Attend page.
Time: 10 AM - 4 PM
Location: 3rd Street NW in front of the US Capitol
100 3rd St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Contact the organizers for this event, which took place in 2014.


We have held an EV event at the US Capitol on 3rd Street NW, right in front on the US Capitol, ever since National Plug in Day started 4 years ago. Now, National Drive Electric Week will see us back there again to help promote the EV Vision to those who are coming to visit the Capitol Mall, Smithsonian Museums, etc.  This is a great way to meet people with time on their hands, looking for something interesting to do.  We are not preaching to the choir here !

Registered Attendees

There are currently 54 attendees registered.

Owners of These Vehicles Have Registered To Attend

Vehicle Registered
Nissan LEAF 10
Tesla Model S 8
Chevrolet Volt 3
Smart fortwo electric drive 2
Fiat 500e 1
Ford Focus Electric 1
Ford Fusion Energi 1
Tesla Roadster 1
Think City 1
Toyota Plug-in Prius 1
10 Models 29

Registered attendees report 357,167 electric miles driven.

Presented By

Plugin America logo
Electric Vehicle Association logo
Sierra Club logo
EVHybridNoire logo
Drive Electric USA logo

Platinum Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

All NDEM 2025 sponsors support Plug In America's coordination of National Drive Electric Month.

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