National Drive Electric Month

National Drive Electric Month
Canton, NY
Sep 08, 2018

Day: Saturday, September 8, 2018
NOTE: this event has already happened, find current-year events on the Attend page.
Time: 9 am to noon
Location: St. Lawrence University
Griffiths 123
Vilas Parking Lot
Canton, NY 13617
Contact the organizers for this event, which took place in 2018.

Event Report

We were thrilled so many showed up. We live in a very rural part of Northern NY, almost to the Canadian border---so NOT NYC! So getting 70 to come was incredible. I think advertising the two Teslas your site pulled in really helped.

We paired this with's Rise for Climate event too. So at 9 am we had local officials from two local towns and our very conservative chair of our county legislature came and spoke about what they are doing to address climate change. Then we had 2/3 of our congressional candidates speak plus someone running for town office. Following that I did a power point on the coming EV revolution, we had a panel of EV owners and then outside for the grand finale---the EV show.

MANY people came up and thanked me for doing this, and some indicated they were thinking EV for a future car.

We had dealer incentives from four local dealers. Mort Backus Chevrolet, closest Chevy dealer, has refused to carry the Bolt and told me there was no place to buy it in NYS----and I told him where we could buy them and where HIS business is going. He had no idea he was sending business away! I MAY have made a dent with him, but they do carry the Volt (and offered an incentive) and Adirondack Chev carries the Bolt---within striking distance. Thanks for doing this----Sierra Club's Kat Fisher got us started being interested in this, and it's starting to ripple through our community now------even with our conservative county leg. chair. : )

photo by: North Country 350 Alliance
70 people showed up for the event, September 8th Day of Climate Action: Is an Electric Vehicle in YOUR Future? The initial part of the event, part of's Rise for Climate action, was a call to local officials to step up for climate as the federal government has stepped back, and several local officials spoke. The remainder of the event was dedicated to electric vehicles with a power point, a panel of eight EV owners, and culminating with an EV show outside in lovely fall weather. We had ten EVs: three Chevy Bolts, a Chevy Volt, one older Nissan Leaf and one new Leaf, two Prius Primes, a Tesla S, and a Tesla Model 3.

Event Description


North Country 350 Alliance is joining the nationwide September 8th Day of Climate Action, sponsored by, to call on local officials to step up for climate as the federal government steps back.  The local event will also raise awareness of how rapidly electric vehicle (EV) technology is developing, making EVs increasingly more practical and affordable as part of National Drive Electric Week.

The local event, “September 8th Day of Climate Action:  Is an Electric Vehicle in Your Future?,” will be held Saturday, September 8, 2018, from 9 am to noon, on the St. Lawrence University campus in Griffiths 123.  (Follow signs at either the Rt. 11 or University Avenue SLU entrance.)

Local officials from the towns of Canton and Potsdam as well as the Chair of the St. Lawrence County Legislature, Kevin Acres, will be present along with other speakers to discuss local efforts to conserve energy and mitigate effects of climate change.  Congressional candidates, Tedra  Cobb (Dem.) and Lynn Kahn (Green), also plan to participate.

In addition, there will be an EV presentation, including information on state and federal financial incentives, as well as a panel of EV owners and an Electric Vehicle Show outside in the nearby Vilas Parking Lot.  Participants will be invited to check out three all-electric vehicles: Chevy Bolt (237 mi. range), Nissan (2018:  151 mi. range), and a Tesla Model 3 (310 mi. range).  Two different plug-in hybrid EVs, the Chevy Volt (53 mi. on battery, 453 mi total w/gas) and Prius Prime (25 mi. on batter, 640 mi. total w/gas) will also be on display.  Both EV owners and a TJ Toyota representative will be able to answer questions. 

Four dealerships are offering discount coupons, covering all models except the Tesla.

In addition to this event being affiliated with the nationwide event, it is also part of National Drive Electric Week, presented by Plug In AmericaSierra Club, and Electric Auto Association.  Nissan LEAF® is the Exclusive Automotive Sponsor of National Drive Electric Week. ClipperCreek is a silver-level sponsor.

Registered Attendees

There are currently 5 attendees registered.

Owners of These Vehicles Have Registered To Attend

Vehicle Registered
Chevrolet Bolt 1
Tesla Model 3 1
Tesla Model S 1
3 Models 3

Registered attendees report 23,000 electric miles driven.

In the News…

Presented By

Plugin America logo
Electric Vehicle Association logo
Sierra Club logo
EVHybridNoire logo
Drive Electric USA logo

Platinum Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

All NDEM 2025 sponsors support Plug In America's coordination of National Drive Electric Month.

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