National Drive Electric Month

National Drive Electric Month
Bethel, VT
Oct 02, 2021

Day: Saturday, October 2, 2021
NOTE: this event has already happened, find current-year events on the Attend page.
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm EDT
Location: Main St. Parking Lot
318 Main St.
Bethel, VT 05032
Contact the organizers for this event, which took place in 2021.

Event Report

The Bethel Energy Committee hosted an EV Car Show as part of the National Drive Electric Week celebrations on Saturday Oct 2, 2021. The day began with an Electric Vehicle Parade past the Bethel Bandshell and into the Main St. parking lot. Eight EV’s and their owners participated in the parade and EV Car Show which draw a crowd of over 100 visitors to Bethel’s Main Street!

There were a variety of models on display, from a 2013 Tesla to a 2021 all electric Ford Mustang Mach-E. Vendors were Green Mt Power and Integrity Energy. The raffle for the electric weedwhacker was won by Kevin Thorley from Williston. He also won “Best in Show” for his Tesla.

The Bethel Energy Committee looks forward to hosting another NDEW electric week in 2022 and hope we’ll be able to display 22 electric vehicles in 2022 to celebrate our 3rd EV Car Show!

photo by: Bethel Energy Committee
GMP employee Jenn Cortez talks EV’s with a local resident a the EV Car Show during the Forward Festival

Event Description



We missed you last year! Are you curious about Electric Vehicles? Do you have one you would like to share? 

This event is for you! We are pleased to provide you with an (outdoor, socially distanced) opportunity to forge ahead with the transition to a fossil fuel free future. This is our day to celebrate EV ownership in America. To celebrate the bold new technology that has risen up as a solution to climate change. Join us as we share experiences, resources, and collective wisdom, neighbor to neighbor. Invite your friends and neighbors along for a fun day of Electric Vehicle conversation!

Learn about Electric Vehicles

Share your experience

Enjoy a day in scenic Bethel, VT

Event Schedule

8:30am              Volunteer team leaders arrive & set-up begins

9:30am              Electric vehicles & drivers arrive at White River Valley Middle School parking lot

9:55am               EV parade (Middle School to Main St.)

10:00am            EV Car Show opens!

                             Chat with representatives from Ted Green Ford

                             See a Level II charging station up-close & Enter the raffle to win an electric lawn trimmer, courtesy of Green Mt. Power   

2:30pm              Announce results of Raffle, Best in Show, and Scavenger Hunt

2:45pm              Thank you and closing remarks         

3:00pm              EV Car Show closes 


From I-89 Exit 3: Coming off highway, turn right onto VT RT 107. Drive apx. 3 miles. At the 3-way intersection continue driving straight on VT RT 12 (follow the big fish!). Drive .5 miles, the Main St. Parking lot is on the right between Mascoma Bank and Town Hall. Please enter the parking lot by using the entrance closest to Town Hall. 

Helpful hints for getting here!

Town Hall is a large brick building with a clock and steeple.

Bethel's Main St. is also VT RT 12

Registration Information

Register: Seeking EV owners! Register to be part of an EV Car Show at this event using the Participate button.

Check in: Please check in at the Bethel Energy Committee table when you arrive.

Power: The parking lot does not have a power supply (yet!). There is Level II charging available within ten miles at the Vermont Law School and Vermont Technical College.

To participate in the EV Scavenger Hunt: Share something unique about your EV with the City Captains to help us create a fun game for visitors! We will compile these items into a scavenger hunt for event participants to fill out as they walk around the EV Car Show. Hint! Pick something that is both obvious to a passerby and unique to your car, i.e., "pink blanket", "fuzzy steering wheel cover" or "Hawaii license plate".

Questions: Contact Nicole: [email protected], 763-2818

Update 9/22:  Cody Chevrolet will not attend the event in 2021, and looks forward to joining us next year!

EV Parade Info and Directions

Information: The parade will begin at 9:55am as EV's parade down Bethel's main road, past the bustling Forward Festival, and into the Main St. parking lot! The length of the parade route will be approx. 1-2 miles, and is expected to travel at 15-20 mph.

Directions: Drivers will follow RT 12 from the WRVMS to the Main St. Parking Lot in Bethel.

We look forward to seeing you on Oct 2nd!

Hosted by the Bethel Energy Committee

National Drive Electric Week is presented by Plug In America, the Electric Auto Association, Sierra Club, and EVHybridNoire 

Registered Attendees

There are currently 17 attendees registered.

Owners of These Vehicles Have Registered To Attend

Vehicle Registered
Nissan LEAF 2
Tesla Model 3 2
Tesla Model S 1
Toyota RAV4 Prime 4WD/AWD 1
4 Models 6

Registered attendees report 242,600 electric miles driven.

Presented By

Plugin America logo
Electric Vehicle Association logo
Sierra Club logo
EVHybridNoire logo
Drive Electric USA logo

Platinum Level Sponsor

Bronze Level Sponsor

All NDEM 2025 sponsors support Plug In America's coordination of National Drive Electric Month.

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